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Allenio Airline

flight Documentation

Documents Required

Domestic Flights [within South Africa]

Top Tip

Check in online and receive your boarding pass via your smart phone.

International Flights [outside the borders of South African, regional and international]

Who must complete a traveller declaration?

This declaration must be completed by travellers in terms of the Customs & Excise Act No. 91 of 1964

Channels – Red or Green at airports and some border crossings.

After collecting your baggage you must proceed to the Red (Goods to Declare) or Green (Nothing to Declare) channel

Top Tip

When traveling in and outside of South Africa, you are required to complete travel declaration form. You can complete the form online https://tools.sars.gov.za/sarsonlinequery/traveller this form must be completed 24hrs before traveling. You can also download the form below as well as the customs guide document.

Travel Declaration Form

Customs External Guide

Do you have any questions?

Do not hesitate to get in touch with us. We are an expert team and and are always happy to talk to you.